Differential Temperature Controller IM1965

Typical temperature controller monitors the single input from source like RTD,4-20mA and tries to maintain that temperature within limits at a pre programmed constant level. A differential temperature controller goes with the name, monitors temperature from two input sources and tries to maintain the difference between these two temperatures as constant. These are widely used in Solar Energy Systems now a days to provide maximum operating efficiency and flexibility. It is designed to maintain the difference betwenn two tmperature sensors e.g., In case of self powered solar box furnace or in case of a solar water collector. By considering one input as a reference, temperature level is maintained by automatically switching ON/OFF a fan or a pump.

Technical Specifications:
Display : 4 digit LED Two Rows to show individual and difference temperature
Keypad : Membrane keypad for easy programming
Set point : One set point with Hysteresis programmable
Control Output : One relay output rated 230 V / 5A
Supply : 230 V / 110 V AC

High / low alarms programmable
RS232 PC Serial Interface

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