Adding an extra instrument in a existing set up is a biggest hassle in an industry. Also there are situations when it becomes practically impossible to lay new cables or the areas are not accessible through cable or where data centers are geographically located at remote places than the logger. As a remedy to this, Ajinkya offers solution of a Wireless Data Loggers. The wireless communication can be achieved with GPRS signal (GPRS Data Logger) or RF signal (RF Data Logger) Apart from these Wireless Data Logger, Wi-fi and Bluetooth technology offers exciting solutions for short distance process monitoring applications. Bluetooth technology comes handy for applications like meter reading. User can view and access data on a logger any where in the world using internet.
* Display: 7 segment LED display / Alphanumeric LCD display / Graphic LCD display
* Sensor Inputs: RTD / Thermocouple / mV / mA / load cell / Universal
* Number of channels: 2/4/6/8/12/16/20/24/32/48/64.
* Memory: 32k / 64k / 2MB / USB Flash etc
* Connectivity: RF 2Ghz IEEE802.15.4 or GPRS or Bluetooth or Wi fi
* Alarm: High/ Low / Very High / Very Low / Common relay/ Two relays/ Individual Channel Relays
* Log Interval: Minute. Seconds / Hours. Minutes etc
* Supply: AC Mains operated / DC Operated
* Enclosure: Panel Mount / DIN Size / Wall mount / Table top